British Cycling

British Cycling are the nation’s largest cycling organisation and the national governing body for cyclesport. Their mission is to deliver international sporting success, grow and effectively govern cyclesport and inspire and support people to cycle regularly.

Would you like to get involved? Find out more.

Cycling UK

Cycling UK are campaigning to make the roads safer for cycling.

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Sustrans are the charity making it easier for people to walk and cycle.

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Wheels For Wellbeing

Wheels for Wellbeing are a London-based charity who campaign nationwide to make cycling accessible for Disabled people, they also have three off-road inclusive cycling centres in London which they started back in 2007.

Would you like to get involved? Find out more.

South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority Active Travel

SYMCA Active Travel Team are working towards creating a fully connected network of walking and cycling routes across South Yorkshire by 2040. Their active travel map is for you to share your experiences of walking and cycling in South Yorkshire. Your comments will be used to help identify areas of both excellence and concern.

Would you like to get involved? Find out more.

Cycle Sheffield

Cycle Sheffield are a voluntary campaign group with 1600 supporters in Sheffield. They campaign for a cycle friendly Sheffield where anyone can choose to make their journey by pedal power. We want cycling to be inclusive and easy, not limited to the quick and the brave.

Would you like to get involved? Find out more.